Vision & Mission Statements

Vision Statement

The Salem-Mariposa Church Building and Cemetery Board is committed to the celebration of lives lived through the provision of quality cemetery facilities and services. The on-going preservation of this community landmark is the Board’s priority, in order to sustain and, where possible, enhance the welcoming environment that the cemetery and the church building provide to bereaved families and the extended community.  In pursuing this vision, the Board preserves and honours the heritage of past generations, serves and respects the needs of the present generation, and provides a legacy for future generations.

Mission Statement

A. To operate and maintain the Salem-Mariposa Church Building and Cemetery in Manilla, Ontario;

B. To restore, develop and preserve the Salem-Mariposa Church Building and Cemetery with a view to educate the public about, and commemorate the Salem-Mariposa Church Building and Cemetery;

C. To undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the amendment of the above purpose.