
Upcoming Events

2024 Events

  • Saturday May4th @ 10am - Church & Cemetery Clean up day, Everyone is welcome!
  • salem-church-artprint

    Image size: 7 x 9 inches/ Paper size: 10 x 13 inches. 
    The paper is heavy weight, bright white and is acid free, archival quality. Prints are sold unframed but protected by rigid mat board backing and a clear mylar cover.

    Sunday July 21st @ 1pm - Decoration Day & AGM
    Artist Todd Tremeer has created a colour linocut print* of Salem Mariposa Church. Todd has donated his time and all the materials for making this original artwork as a church fundraiser. The print will be sold this summer at Decoration Service on July 21st 2024. Please bring $50 cash or cheque (payable to 'Salem Mariposa Cemetery') to purchase your artist print.

    *A limited edition of 45 handmade artist prints.

    Prints are handmade on Todd's etching press. Each is signed, numbered and titled in pencil. No additional copies of this print can be made because 'reduction block' printmaking destroys or 'reduces' the lino-block with each new colour layer.
    Want to get a copy before they sell out?
    Prints can be purchased and mailed to you by Todd Tremeer.

    *Add $30 postage & packaging. Prints will be mailed in flat protective packaging. Those interested should contact Todd at

  • Saturday December 7th @ 6pm - Christmas Sing

Past Events

The Annual Salem Carol Sings for 2021 and 2022 were cancelled because of COVID.

Images from our very first Christmas Carol Sing in 2014. Note the new lighting we added year two, this was a big improvement!